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Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries : new national and regional vascular plant records, 7 / Marcin Nobis in Botany letters, vol. 165, n°2 (Année 2018)
Titre : Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries : new national and regional vascular plant records, 7 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Marcin Nobis, Auteur ; Gianniantonio Domina, Auteur ; Marjol Meço, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : pp. 200-222 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : chorologie  taxonomie  native species  alien species  Asia  Europe Résumé : "The paper presents new records for 29 vascular plant species from 12 Eurasian countries. Seven taxa (Agave sisalana, Austrocylindropuntia subulata, Lagurus ovatus subsp. nanus, Opuntia stricta, Orobanche serbica, Oxalis articulata, Vitis × instabilis) are reported from Albania, one (Allium carinatum) from the Europaean part of Russia, six (Dipsacus fullonum, Gagea shmakoviana, Mentha × dalmatica, Thymus indigirkensis, Thymus sergievskajae, Viola × sukaczewii) from the Asian part of Russia, two (Agrostis sozanensis, Poa mustangensis) from China, two (Carex muskingumensis, Sedum rubens) from Poland, two (Crataegus macrocarpa, Dactylorhiza lapponica) from Romania, two (Oxygraphis delavayi, Ranunculus eryuanensis) from Nepal, two (Erigeron bonariensis, Ophioglossum vulgatum) from Tajikistan, one (Ranunculus olgae) from Kazakhstan, one (Najas guadelupensis) from Hungary, one (Orobanche bartlingii) from Armenia, one (Crataegus petrodavisii) from Azerbaijan and one (Amaranthus powellii) from Georgia. For each species, synonyms, general distribution, habitat preferences, taxonomy with remarks on recognition, and differentiation the species from the most similar taxa occurring in a given country, as well as a list of recorded localities (often far from the previously known areas) are presented." Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Nobis M., Domina G., Meço M., et al., 2018 - Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries : new national and regional vascular plant records, 7. Botany letters, 165 (2) : 200-222. Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=67966
in Botany letters > vol. 165, n°2 (Année 2018) . - pp. 200-222[article]Exemplaires(1)
Cote Localisation Disponibilité P0177-6 Brest Exclu du prêt Notes on the distribution, ecology and conservation status of two very rare sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae) rediscovered in Sicily (Italy) / Lorenzo Gianguzzi in Botany letters, vol. 164, n°4 (Année 2017)
Titre : Notes on the distribution, ecology and conservation status of two very rare sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae) rediscovered in Sicily (Italy) Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lorenzo Gianguzzi, Auteur ; Agostino D'Amico, Auteur ; Angelo Troia, Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Article en page(s) : pp. 339-349 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Carex × boenninghausiana  Carex grioletii  chorologie  endangered species  flora  IUCN assessment  taxonomie Résumé : "New data on the geographical distribution and ecology of two rare taxa of Carex collected in the area of the Nebrodi Mountains (Sicily) are provided; the Sicilian populations of both taxa are at the border of their respective ranges, and their regional distribution is still poorly known. The new population of Carex × boenninghausiana reported here confirms the presence of this hybrid in Sicily, but at the same time it represents the only known population currently occurring in Italy; in fact, the other – so far only – known Italian population is considered extinct. The second report concerns Carex grioletii, recently considered doubtful for the Sicilian flora, whose new population here reported is the only confirmed and currently present population in the island; the assessment of extinction risk and conservation status, carried out at regional (Sicilian) level according to the IUCN criteria for the latter taxon, showed that it is Critically Endangered (CR)." Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Gianguzzi L., D'Amico A., Troia A., 2017 - Notes on the distribution, ecology and conservation status of two very rare sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae) rediscovered in Sicily (Italy). Botany letters, 164 (4) : 339-349. Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=67269
in Botany letters > vol. 164, n°4 (Année 2017) . - pp. 339-349[article]Exemplaires(1)
Cote Localisation Disponibilité P0177-6 Brest Exclu du prêt Pollen morphology of some Nepeta L. species in NW Iran / Seyed Mehdi Ravazi in Botany letters, vol. 165, n°2 (Année 2018)
Titre : Pollen morphology of some Nepeta L. species in NW Iran Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Seyed Mehdi Ravazi, Auteur ; Ali Asghar Ghaffari, Auteur ; Mahmoud Bidarlord, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : pp. 286-291 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Lamiaceae  Nepteta  pollen  SEM  taxonomie  Iran Résumé : "The genus Nepeta L., with approximately 300 species, is one of the largest genera in the tribe Mentheae, subtribe Nepetinae of the Lamiaceae family. In the present work, pollen morphology of eight species of Nepeta was examined using scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that the majority of the studied species were characterized by monad, hexazonocolpate, isopolar, heterobrochate, and prolate pollen grains. It was also revealed that there were some differences in pollen characters among the studied taxa. Hence, they could be divided into three major groups based on exine ornamentation. It is worthy of mention that the species pollen characters appear to correlate with the Rechiger (1982) subgeneric classification of Nepeta. However, due to different pollen attributes, it is suggested that Nepeta haussknechtii could be transferred to a new section. Pollen morphology of N. crassifolia, N. haussknechtii, N. speciosa and N. amoena was described for the first time." Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Ravazi S., Ghaffari A., Bidarlord M., 2018 - Pollen morphology of some Nepeta L. species in NW Iran. Botany letters, 165 (2) : 286-291. Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=68198
in Botany letters > vol. 165, n°2 (Année 2018) . - pp. 286-291[article]Exemplaires(1)
Cote Localisation Disponibilité P0177-6 Brest Exclu du prêt A study of floral shape variation in Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) using geometric morphometrics on herbarium specimens / Yiyun Chen in Botany letters, vol. 165, n°3-4 (Année 2018)
Titre : A study of floral shape variation in Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) using geometric morphometrics on herbarium specimens Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Yiyun Chen, Auteur ; Florian Jabbour, Auteur ; Andriy Novikov, Auteur ; Wei Wang, Auteur ; Sylvain Gerber, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : pp. 368-376 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Aconitum Delphinium  flower morphology  nectar spur Staphisagria  taxonomie Résumé : "The variation in the shape of flowers, the reproductive structures of angiosperms, is generally investigated in a qualitative way, or using multivariate statistical analyses of distance data (i.e. traditional morphometrics). In this study, we evaluate the application of geometric morphometric methods to flowers of herbarium specimens, a material that is still being massively overlooked as far as these methods are concerned. Flowers of Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) are synorganized: the spurred and nectariferous dorsal petals are nested within the spur or hood of the dorsal sepal. The study of synorganized structures is challenging, and geometric morphometric-oriented investigation may provide working hypotheses for an evo-devo exploration of such hyperorgan formation. We analyze here the floral shape of Delphinieae using geometric morphometric methods and demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods on dry and compressed flowers. We also show the diagnostic value of the dorsal half of the perianth of the Delphinieae flower, and suggest some trends to help design future studies on the evolutionary development of spur formation and the co-evolution of Delphinieae flowers with their pollinators." Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Chen Y., Jabbour F., Novikov A., Wang W., Gerber S., 2018 - A study of floral shape variation in Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) using geometric morphometrics on herbarium specimens. Botany letters, 165 : 368-376. Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=68143
in Botany letters > vol. 165, n°3-4 (Année 2018) . - pp. 368-376[article]Exemplaires(1)
Cote Localisation Disponibilité P0177-6 Brest Exclu du prêt