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Auteur Petr Pysek |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (5)

Alien plants in checklists and floras : towards better communication between taxonomists and ecologists / Petr Pysek in Taxon, vol. 53, n°1 (Année 2004)
Titre : Alien plants in checklists and floras : towards better communication between taxonomists and ecologists Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Petr Pysek, Auteur ; David M. Richardson, Auteur ; Marcel Rejmánek, Auteur ; G. L. Webster, Auteur ; M. Williamson, Auteur Année de publication : 2004 Article en page(s) : pp. 131-143 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : plante invasive invasion biologique plante exotique hybride plante native naturalisation terminologie graine Résumé : "The number of studies dealing with plant invasions is increasing rapidly, but the accumulating body of knowledge has unfortunately also spawned increasing confusion about terminology. Invasions are a global phenomenon andcomparison of geographically distant regions and their introduced biota is a crucially important methodological approach for elucidation of the determinants of invasiveness and invasibility. Comparative studies of alien floras provide substantial new insights to our understanding of general patterns of plant invasions. Such studies, using information in previously published floras and checklists, are fundamentally dependent on the quality of the assessment of particular species with respect to their taxonomic identity, time of immigration and invasion status. Three crucial decisions should be made when defining the status of a plant species in a given region: (1) whether the taxon is native or alien to that region (origin status); (2) what is its position in the invasion process, i.e., when was it introduced (residence status); and (3) what is the degree of its naturalization and possible invasion (invasion status). Standard floras differ hugely in their treatment of non-native species and those with appropriate categorization of alien species according to their status are rather rare. The present paper suggests definitions of terms associated with plant invasions and places these into the context of floras. Recommendations are outlined on how to deal with the issue of plant invasions in standard floras with the aim of contributing to a better understanding between taxonomists and ecologists and allowing more detailed comparative analyses of alien floras of various regions of the world." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Pysek P., Richardson D., Rejmánek M., Webster G.-L., Williamson M., 2004 - Alien plants in checklists and floras : towards better communication between taxonomists and ecologists. Taxon, 53 (1) : 131-143. ID PMB : 33297 Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=33297
in Taxon > vol. 53, n°1 (Année 2004) . - pp. 131-143[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Experimental study of vegetative regeneration in four invasive Reynoutria taxa (Polygonaceae) / Katerina BÃmová in Plant ecology, vol. 166, n°1 (Mai 2003)
Titre : Experimental study of vegetative regeneration in four invasive Reynoutria taxa (Polygonaceae) Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Katerina BÃmová, Auteur ; Bohumil Mandák, Auteur ; Petr Pysek, Auteur Année de publication : 2003 Article en page(s) : pp. 1-11 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Reynoutria
[Espèces (in biblio)] Reynoutria japonica Houtt. var. compacta (Hook.f.) Buchheim
[Espèces (in biblio)] Reynoutria japonica Houtt. var. japonica
[Espèces (in biblio)] Reynoutria sachalinensis
[Espèces (in biblio)] Reynoutria x bohemica
[Thèmes] Morphologie végétaleMots-clés : croissance Résumé : "Garden experiments focused on vegetative regeneration were carried out with four invasive taxa of the genus Reynoutria (R. japonica var. japonica, R. japonica var. compacta, R. sachalinensis and a hybrid between R. sachalinensis and R. japonica var. japonica, R. ×bohemica). Regeneration ability of stems and rhizomes, timing of shoot emergence and biomass production were studied under the following treatments: laid horizontally on the soil surface; placed upright; buried in the soil; floating in water. Two different soils (sand and garden loam) representing contrasting nutrient levels were applied. Differences were found in the capability and speed of regeneration, as well as in the quality of shoots produced. Regeneration from stems was less efficient than that from rhizomes in all taxa except R. sachalinensis. R. ×bohemica exhibits higher regeneration potential (61%) than all other taxa and can be considered as the most successful taxon of the Czech representatives of the genus Reynoutria in terms of regeneration and establishment of new shoots. High regeneration capacity was also exhibited by R. japonica var. compacta (52%). Other taxa showed generally lower regeneration rates (R. japonica var. japonica 39% and R. sachalinensis 21%), but under some treatments the percentage of regenerated segments was high, too. R. japonica var. japonica rhizomes regenerated successfully in all three soil treatments but not in the water. An opposite pattern was found for its stems: they regenerated well if exposed to water treatment but in the soil, they did not regenerate at all. Particular taxa responded to the soil type in a contrasting way. R. sachalinensis and R. ×bohemica regenerated better in loam while the opposite was true in R. japonica var. japonica. R. japonica var. compacta produced the tallest and R. ×bohemica the heaviest and most robust shoots. It is concluded that rhizomes are more crucial than stems for the spread of knotweeds through fragmentation and clonal growth, suggesting the importance of soil disturbance." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : BÃmová K., Mandák B., Pysek P., 2003 - Experimental study of vegetative regeneration in four invasive Reynoutria taxa (Polygonaceae). Plant ecology, 166 (1) : 1-11. Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=65988
in Plant ecology > vol. 166, n°1 (Mai 2003) . - pp. 1-11[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Germination dynamics and seedling frost resistance of invasive and native Impatiens species reflect local climatic conditions / Hana Skálováa in Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, vol. 13, n°3 (Septembre 2011)
Titre : Germination dynamics and seedling frost resistance of invasive and native Impatiens species reflect local climatic conditions Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Hana Skálováa, Auteur ; Lenka Moravcováa, Auteur ; Petr Pysek, Auteur Année de publication : 2011 Article en page(s) : pp. 173-180 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Impatiens Mots-clés : trait de vie plante invasive comparaison d'espèces plante non native Résumé : "Invasion of some alien plants is considered to be associated with inter-population differentiation and adaptations to local conditions. To obtain an insight into these processes it is convenient to compare invasive plants with their native congeners. The intra-specific differentiation during invasion was studied using four Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) species in Central Europe: native Impatiens noli-tangere and three aliens (highly invasive Impatiens glandulifera, less invasive Impatiens parviflora and potentially invasive Impatiens capensis). Differentiation in traits important for the establishment (germination; seedling emergence; seedling frost resistance) was measured in a laboratory and an experimental garden using seed collected from five natural populations of each species. Frost resistance of I. capensis, currently invasive in Western Europe, was within the scope of other congeners and it does not seem to be a barrier to spread of the species into Central Europe. Among-population differences were found within all species except I. capensis. In I. noli-tangere, I. glandulifera and I. parviflora the differences were related to the climatic characteristics in early spring at the source localities, which indicates that individuals may be adapted to local conditions. The differences found between the populations of I. noli-tangere, I. glandulifera and I. parviflora are likely to reflect the frost sensitivity of the species. In the highly frost-sensitive I. parviflora differentiation was found both in germination and frost resistance of individual populations. In I. glandulifera the differences among populations in frost sensitivity depended on temperature at the seed source and corresponded to the pattern of emergence of seedlings in the garden. In the native I. noli-tangere, the differences among populations in the time of germination depended on temperature at the seed-source locality. Since local adaptations were indicated both in native and invasive species studied, they are unlikely to provide the invasive Impatiens species with an advantage against the native congener, at least in terms of the traits investigated." (source : auteur) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Skálováa H., Moravcováa L., Pysek P., 2011 - Germination dynamics and seedling frost resistance of invasive and native Impatiens species reflect local climatic conditions. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 13 (3) : 173-180. ID PMB : 64786 Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=64786
in Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics > vol. 13, n°3 (Septembre 2011) . - pp. 173-180[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire What is the impact of Impatiens glandulifera on species diversity of invaded riparian vegetation ? / Martin Hejda in Biological conservation, vol. 132, n°2 (Octobre 2006)
Titre : What is the impact of Impatiens glandulifera on species diversity of invaded riparian vegetation ? Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Martin Hejda, Auteur ; Petr Pysek, Auteur Année de publication : 2006 Article en page(s) : pp. 143-152 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [ZG] République tchèque Use for events after 1992.
[Espèces (in biblio)] Impatiens glanduliferaMots-clés : plante invasive dominance Résumé : "Effect of invasion by Impatiens glandulifera (Balsaminaceae) on the community characteristics and species composition of invaded riparian communities was studied at six rivers in the Czech Republic. Two approaches were used: space for time substitution approach, i.e., comparing invaded and uninvaded sites under the same habitat conditions, and removal of the invader from experimental plots. Differences in the number of species, Shannon diversity index H′ and evennes J were compared between invaded and uninvaded plots. Uninvaded plots of the comparative study harboured by 0.23 more species per 16 m2, and had higher value of H′ and J, calculated with species covers as importance values; however only the difference in J was marginally significant (p = 0.04). Other effects were not significant, indicating that once I. glandulifera is removed, communities recover without any consequences for species diversity. Multivariate analysis did not reveal any effect of invasion on the species composition in terms of species presence but their cover hierarchies changed after the invasion, as I. glandulifera became dominant at the expense of tall native nitrophilous dominants. It is concluded that I. glandulifera exerts negligible effect on the characteristics of invaded riparian communities, hence it does not represent threat to the plant diversity of invaded areas. This makes it very different from other Central European invasive aliens of a similar performance." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Hejda M., Pysek P., 2006 - What is the impact of Impatiens glandulifera on species diversity of invaded riparian vegetation ? Biological conservation, 132 (2) : 143-152. ID PMB : 64785 Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=64785
in Biological conservation > vol. 132, n°2 (Octobre 2006) . - pp. 143-152[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Which Taxa Are Alien? Criteria, Applications, and Uncertainties / Franz Essl in Bioscience, vol. 68, n°7 (Année 2018)
Titre : Which Taxa Are Alien? Criteria, Applications, and Uncertainties Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Franz Essl, Auteur ; Sven Buerki, Auteur ; Piero Genovesi, Auteur ; Philip E. Hulme, Auteur ; Jonathan M Jeschke, Auteur ; Stelios Katsanevakis, Auteur ; Ingo Kowarik, Auteur ; Ingolf Kühn, Auteur ; Petr Pysek, Auteur ; Wolfgang Rabitsch, Auteur ; Stefan Schindler, Auteur ; Mark van Kleunen, Auteur ; Vilà Montserrat, Auteur ; John R. U. Wilson, Auteur ; David M. Richardson, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : pp. 496-509 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : biogéographie invasion biologique cryptogénique critère de classification Résumé : "Human activities such as the transport of species to new regions and modifications of the environment are increasingly reshaping the distribution of biota. Accordingly, developing robust, repeatable, and consistent definitions of alien species that serve scientific and policy purposes has become of prime importance. We provide a set of classification criteria that are widely applicable across taxa and realms and offer guidance on their use in practice. The criteria focus on (a) acknowledging the role of assessment uncertainty, (b) incorporating time since introduction, (c) considering infraspecific taxonomic ranks, and (d) differentiating between alien species whose survival depends on explicit human assistance from those that survive without such assistance. Furthermore, we make recommendations for reducing assessment uncertainty, suggest thresholds for species assessment, and develop an assessment scheme. We illustrate the application of the assessment criteria with case studies. Finally, the implications for alien species management, policy, and research are discussed." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Essl F., Buerki S., Genovesi P., Hulme P., Jeschke J., Katsanevakis S., Kowarik I., Kühn I., Pysek P., Rabitsch W., Schindler S., van Kleunen M., Montserrat V., Wilson J.-U., Richardson D., 2018 - Which Taxa Are Alien? Criteria, Applications, and Uncertainties. Bioscience, 68 (7) : 496-509. ID PMB : 69137 Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=69137
in Bioscience > vol. 68, n°7 (Année 2018) . - pp. 496-509[article]Exemplaires(0)
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