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Carex agastachys L.f. une nouvelle espèce pour la Flore de France / Jean-François Christians in Les nouvelles archives de la flore jurassienne, n°18 (Année 2020)
Titre : Carex agastachys L.f. une nouvelle espèce pour la Flore de France Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jean-François Christians, Auteur ; Yorick Ferrez, Auteur ; Christophe Hennequin, Auteur ; Marc Philippe, Auteur ; François Thiery, Auteur ; Hugues Tinguy, Auteur ; Jean-Marc Tison, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : pp. 47-50 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [ZG] France
[Espèces (in biblio)] Carex agastachys
[Espèces (in biblio)] Carex pendula
[Thèmes] ChorologieRésumé : "Suite à la parution de l’article de MÃguez et al. (2018) concernant la morphologie et la phylogénétique des Carex de la section Rhynchocystis Dumortier et évoquant la potentielle présence de Carex agastachys dans le nord-est de la france, nous avons mis à profit la saison de terrain 2020 pour le rechercher dans ce pays. De nombreuses stations ont été trouvées dont plusieurs sont syntopiques de C. pendula. Les résultats des investigations sont présentés sous forme d’une liste des localités et d’une carte de répartition." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Christians J.-F., Ferrez Y., Hennequin C., Philippe M., Thiery F., Tinguy H., Tison J.-M., 2021 - Carex agastachys L.f. une nouvelle espèce pour la Flore de France. Les nouvelles archives de la flore jurassienne, 18 : 47-50. ID PMB : 70226 Permalink :
in Les nouvelles archives de la flore jurassienne > n°18 (Année 2020) . - pp. 47-50[article]Exemplaires(3)
Cote Localisation Disponibilité P0204 Brest Exclu du prêt P0204 Caen Exclu du prêt P0204 Nantes Disponible Carex agastachys L. fil. und Carex pendula Huds. s.str. - Vorbemerkungen zur Verbreitung in Bayern / Lenz Meierott in Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft, vol. 89 (Année 2019)
Titre : Carex agastachys L. fil. und Carex pendula Huds. s.str. - Vorbemerkungen zur Verbreitung in Bayern Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lenz Meierott, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : pp. 256-260 Langues : Allemand (ger) Catégories : [ZG] Allemagne Use for events before 1949 and after October 1990.
[Espèces (in biblio)] Carex agastachys
[Espèces (in biblio)] Carex pendulaMots-clés : comparaison d'espèces Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Meierott L., 2019 - Carex agastachys L. fil. und Carex pendula Huds. s.str. - Vorbemerkungen zur Verbreitung in Bayern. Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 89 : 256-260. ID PMB : 69474 Permalink :
in Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft > vol. 89 (Année 2019) . - pp. 256-260[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Reconciling morphology and phylogeny allows an integrative taxonomic revision of the giant sedges of Carex section Rhynchocystis (Cyperaceae) / Mónica MÃguez in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 188, n°1 (Année 2018)
Titre : Reconciling morphology and phylogeny allows an integrative taxonomic revision of the giant sedges of Carex section Rhynchocystis (Cyperaceae) Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Mónica MÃguez, Auteur ; Santiago Martin-Bravo, Auteur ; Pedro Jiménez -MejÃas, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : pp. 34-58 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Carex
[Espèces (in biblio)] Carex pendulaMots-clés : espèce cryptique morphométrie morphologie congruence analyse multivariée Paléarctique occidental Résumé : "Species delimitation in Carex section Rhynchocystis has remained relatively constant through its taxonomic history. The section is currently composed of five species distributed in the Western Palaearctic (C. microcarpa and C. pendula) and subSaharan Africa (C. bequaertii, C. mossii and C. penduliformis). Recent phylogenetic studies revealed that the monophyly of C. bequaertii and C. mossii was not well supported and that C. pendula comprises two divergent sister lineages. To evaluate the taxonomic significance of these unexpected results, we performed a rigorous statistical procedure based on morphometrics. We found morphological support for our molecular background, uncovering (1) characters that reflect the evolution of the group and were overlooked by traditional taxonomy and (2) the overlapping of some previously considered diagnostic characters. Our results suggest five species, but only C. microcarpa and C. penduliformis were supported in their traditional concepts. The two lineages of C. pendula corresponded to two morphologically distinct, biogeographically congruent groups: C. pendula s.s. in the western part of the range and C. agastachys in the eastern part. In congruence with the molecular results, C. bequaertii and C. mossii were weakly morphologically differentiated and thus better treated as subspecies of a single species. We propose a revised taxonomic treatment for the group." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : MÃguez M., Martin-Bravo S., Jiménez -MejÃas P., 2018 - Reconciling morphology and phylogeny allows an integrative taxonomic revision of the giant sedges of Carex section Rhynchocystis (Cyperaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 188 (1) : 34-58. ID PMB : 69473 DOI : 10.1093/botlinnean/boy040 Permalink :
in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society > vol. 188, n°1 (Année 2018) . - pp. 34-58[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Temperature effects on dormancy levels and germination in temperate forest sedges (Carex) / Markus Brändel in Plant ecology, vol. 176 (Année 2005)
Titre : Temperature effects on dormancy levels and germination in temperate forest sedges (Carex) Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Markus Brändel, Auteur ; Wolfgang Schütz, Auteur Année de publication : 2005 Article en page(s) : pp. 245-261 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Carex pendula
[Espèces (in biblio)] Carex remota
[Thèmes] Dormance des grainesMots-clés : niche de régénération températures de seuil Résumé : "The effects of stratification temperatures and burial in soil on dormancy levels of Carex pendula L. and C. remota L., two spring-germinating perennials occurring in moist forests, were investigated. Seeds buried for 34 months outdoors, and seeds stratified in the laboratory at temperatures between 3 and 18 °C for periods between 2 and 28 weeks, were tested over a range of temperatures. Seeds of the two species responded similarly to stratification treatments, except for an absolute light requirement in C. pendula. Primary dormancy was alleviated at all stratification temperatures, but low temperatures were more effective than higher ones . (≥ 12 °C). Dormancy induction in non-dormant seeds kept at 5 °C occurred when seeds were subsequently exposed to 18 °C. Dormancy was not induced by a transfer to lower temperatures. Buried seeds of both species exhibited seasonal dormancy cycles with high germination from autumn to spring and low germination during summer. Temperatures at which the processes of dormancy relief and of dormancy induction occurred, overlapped to a high degree. Whether, and when, dormancy changes occurred depended on test conditions. The lower temperature limit for germination (> 10%) was 9 °C in C. remota and 15 °C in C. pendula. Germination ceased abruptly above 36 °C. Germination requirements and dormancy patterns suggest regeneration from seed in late spring and summer at disturbed, open sites (forest gaps) and the capability to form long, persistent seed banks in both species." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Brändel M., Schütz W., 2005 - Temperature effects on dormancy levels and germination in temperate forest sedges (Carex). Plant ecology, 176 : 245-261. ID PMB : 68938 Permalink :
in Plant ecology > vol. 176 (Année 2005) . - pp. 245-261[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire The effect of stratification temperatures on the level of dormancy in primary and secondary dormant seeds of two Carex species / Markus Brändel in Plant ecology, vol. 178 (Année 2005)
Titre : The effect of stratification temperatures on the level of dormancy in primary and secondary dormant seeds of two Carex species Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Markus Brändel, Auteur Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : pp. 163-169 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Carex pendula
[Espèces (in biblio)] Carex remota
[Espèces (in biblio)] Cyperaceae
[Thèmes] Dormance des graines
[Thèmes] Germination des grainesRésumé : "The effect of temperature on the level of dormancy of primary and secondary dormant Carex pendula and Carex remota seeds was investigated. Primary dormant and secondary dormant seeds were stratified for 4 weeks at 5, 11, 13, and 15 °C, respectively, and tested for germination at 15/5 °C in light. To obtain secondary dormant seeds, primary dormant seeds were stratified at 5 °C and afterwards at 25 °C for 4 weeks. Germination tests were carried out in water and in 25 μmol KNO3-solution to examine differences in sensitivity to nitrate between seeds relieved from primary and secondary dormancy. In both species, seeds with primary and with induced secondary dormancy showed no significant differences in germination. The two sedges showed significant differences in the effect of stratification temperatures between primary and secondary dormant seeds. Primary dormant seeds of C. pendula showed high germination (>80%) in nitrate-solution after stratification at all temperatures, while only temperatures of 5, 11, and 13 °C led to higher germination in nitrate-solution in secondary dormant seeds. Germination percentages of primary and of secondary dormant C. pendula seeds in water increased to a higher extent only after stratification at 5 and 11 °C; stratification of 11 °C was more effective in secondary than in primary dormant seeds. The only temperature that relieved primary dormancy in C. remota seeds was 5 °C where germination in water and nitrate-solution was >90%. Germination of secondary dormant seeds was increased by stratification at 11 °C independent of the test solution but higher germination after stratification at 13 °C occurred only in nitrate-solution. The results support the existence of physiological differences in the regulation of primary and secondary dormancy by temperature, and in the reaction of nitrate, at least in C. remota." (source : auteur) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Brändel M., 2020 - The effect of stratification temperatures on the level of dormancy in primary and secondary dormant seeds of two Carex species. Plant ecology, 178 : 163-169. ID PMB : 68940 DOI : s11258-004-3037-y Permalink :
in Plant ecology > vol. 178 (Année 2005) . - pp. 163-169[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Typification of 18th Century names in Carex sect. Rhynchocystis (Cyperaceae) : Carex pendula and allies / Pedro Jiménez -MejÃas in Taxon, vol. 66, n°4 (Année 2017)